Marvin Defined

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Activist Supreme Court

 Another shoutout to my FB Friends and Foes Far and Wide. Specifically to the MAGA crowd, and Trump supporters. With this immunity issue before the SCOTUS, the self-described originalist SCOTUS, led by Justice Thomas seems to have carved out a solution to the problem based on nothing in the U.S. Constitution, no case law, precedent, or anything other than their opinion, and how they feel. The next time all you complain about activist judges making law out of whole cloth, and shoving it down our throats like they did with Roe, just remember this and sit down and don't even speak up because the SCOTUS is one of the very things you all purport to despise; an activist judiciary. Judges you support and appoint, are no better than the ones the Democrats appoint, or support. Just sayin

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