Your problem is that your vision encompasses the past. Which is good and bad. Bad in the sense that is not where society, the economy, technology or humanity are going, and good to see past mistakes, and avoid them on the way forward.
The past is only needed for remembrance, and understanding. Understanding our mistakes, and remembering not to make them again.
He is fake. Take a closer look at what he is dynamic, about. He is not forceful, he is reactionary. You mistake a narcissist bravado for dynamic. You see what he wants you to see, which is a perception. In life, and politics perception is neither reality nor truth, it is merely slight of hand illusion. with He is not capable. He only understands how to manage, not govern, managing is leading the few, governing is leading for the many. There is a difference. As for running the country like a business, when there is a profit, who gets the dividend.
Trump is fake. Take a closer look at what he is dynamic, about. He is not forceful, he is reactionary. You mistake a narcissist bravado for dynamic. You see what he wants you to see, which is a perception. In life, and politics perception is neither reality nor truth, it is merely slight of hand illusion. with He is not capable. He only understands how to manage, not govern, managing is leading the few, governing is leading for the many. There is a difference. As for running the country like a business, when there is a profit, who gets the dividend. As for a demonic agenda, You act like putting people out of work, is Christian. Or treating the poor and immigrants like he does. Is what he doing with immigrants legal, or needed, yes. Is it Christian, would Jesus do it. Did Jesus say kick out foreigners. Does Jesus or the bible say discrimination is OK, what about bigotry? Show me where it is said in the Bible, or Jesus said any of that. You may think that his agenda is not demonic, but it is not Christian like either, and at the end of the day, his agenda, Christian wise is also demonic, as the Democrats agenda was as far from being Christian like as to be blasphemous.
You are helping the Rep from Tenneessee impeach judges. Have
you never heard of Judicial review, as enumerated in Article III Section 3, and
is codified in Marbury V. Madison. You ought to read the U.S. Constitution. You
are violating your oath, and I find it abhorrent. Dissent is neither a high
crime nor is it a misdemeanor. You are acting like a petty tyrant, and so it
the fool from Tenn. I find no honor, or ethics in what you are doing. You no
longer have moral credibility/All I see is petty partisan politics. I will
never vote for you again. Have a bice day sir.
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