Marvin Defined

Friday, January 10, 2025

Morality and the Government

 That is why the war on drugs failed. The government can't legislate morality effectively. As human beings with our own devices, will fall back on our vices.

Remember; knowledge is the path to being whoever you want, and the power to be who you will be.

If he wants to prosper in hell, he needs to neotiate with the devil. Remember the okd saying, "If I owned Texas and hell, I woulld rent out Texas anbd live in hell." Well to do that, one has to deal with the devil. That is how it is forTommy and Monte's wife.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Reasoning With Evil

 Evil can't be reasoned with. It either wins, or it doesn't. To eradicate it means to treat it inhumanely. The trick is to eradicate it, and still retain humanity.

Good men, do bad things to bad men, in defense of the good, the bad, and the indifferent.

Saturday, December 28, 2024


 The Trumplican Party wanting to do away with DEI, and the so called "Critical Race Theory." We have racism and discrimination in this country from both the majority, and the minority. The only to eradicate racism is through education. With education comes understanding. With understanding comes empathy, and with empathy comes a tolerance of the rights of others. This from both sides. The liberals are guilty of it, with the tearing down the memorials, of the Confederacy. That is a a period we would, as Americans, like to forget. But we can't. It is part of our history. A history that we have changed, not eradicated, but changed for the better. We need to teach that. The Trumplicans want to whitewash the entire history, so as not to make the white children feel and about their race. White children need to know that some of their ancestors were bad, but some of them weren't. Because some were bad, doesn't mean they are bad. The white children need to know that while whites were bad, they did do some good. The whites both instituted slavery, and abolished it. Both sides need to quit trying to whitewash the truth, to make people now feel better about themselves and their ancestors, through misinformation, deception, and outright lying. It comes from both sides and it needs to stop. We need to teach our children that there is discrimination in this world, and that the only way to overcome that, is through tolerance, and understanding. Not discrimination disguised as tolerance, but true tolerance. Tolerance that starts with observing that we all have rights, and we should be free to express those rights without derision, or discrimination. It goes both ways. This goes for both sides; discrimination disguised as tolerance, is not a virtue, but a vice.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Doc Sheridan September 24. 2016

 Today Dr. Jay Sheridan passed from this life to the next. I would like now to stop and reflect about the profound affect Doc had on me as an angry young man, just starting out in this world. I am a student of Dr. Sheridan’s; the class of 1983. It is because of Dr. Jay Sheridan, that I write to this day.

I would like to take this time to inform you of the influence that you had in my life. I had a hard bringing up, mostly due to my own temperament and arrogance. I did not start writing until I was about 16, for a girl, and after an unfortunate encounter with the sun. It was not until my senior year at Yuma High did I show anyone. I turned one in to you; a poem called The Wind that Whistles. It was one of the first I wrote. You validated what I hadn’t realized I could do, and that is write. You made me believe that I could actually get a thought across to another in words. I have written some 250 or 300 poems since. It was that beginning that gave me the confidence to go on writing. Since then I have written numerous reports for school, a dozen or so essays and I tried my hand at a couple of short stories. You also gave me the confidence to pursue higher education, even though I didn’t graduate from high school. You were the academic influence that I needed to make sure that my voice in this life was heard. For that I will always be grateful to you. You are the finest teacher I ever had, and one of the finest human beings I have ever met. I strive to learn something new academically every day, which I picked up from you, and the learning something new every day about life came from my father. Whether you remember me or not later, because the rabid thief of time takes from us all. I will always remember you and your influence on me as a temperamental young man, with no voice, and how you taught me to harness that voice. Thank you Mr. Sheridan for your help I appreciated it. This is the very first poem I ever wrote. I showed it to Doc for his opinion, and he gave me extra credit and encouraged me to write more, which I did. Rest in Peace Doc, you will be missed.
The Wind that Whistles.
The wind that whistles through the salty waves.
Along the peaceful sunset beach,
Up the mountain crest and amid the frozen waves,
The wind whistles like a ghostly inhabitant of forgotten lore,
Across the wasteland of forgotten unsaved souls,
The souls of men drowned in a sea of obscurity,
It savors the victory like a petulant child,
As the loser ponders his fate.
As he seems like he is the loser, but is truly the victor,
As the wind that whistles still blows.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pete Rose 1941-2024

 I am going to comment on tbe passing of Pete Rose. I am going to comment only on his baseball career. I am not going to pass judgement on any of the rest. As there are plenty of players who were great on the diamond but less than stellar people. We all have our foibles, it is not for me to judge, so I won't.  

That being said, when I was young, Pete Rose was the man in the summer. He was tough, he hit the ball, and slid head first. That became the norm in the 70's.  Rose was a consumate hitter. I saw him foul off 25 pitches, in order to  get a ball he liked, then hit a single. That was in 1985 against the Padres. That wasn't the game he got the last hit, it was the series though, if I remember correctly. He had an eye for pitches. He had one speed, and one focus, that is what made him a great player

Monday, September 16, 2024

Dak Prescott and the Promise of Youth

 So Dak has pissed away his promise, in exchange for stats. There comes a time when the promise of youth, must yield to the production of adulthood. Dak just hasn't graduated from one to the other. Same as Lamar, Herbert, Fields, Lance, and Winston, just to name a few. That promise of youth is a double edged sword, yielded by the heartless bitch called time. Time is not our friend. It might look good to court in our youth, but it is a feckless matron in our golden years.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Child In a Hot Car

 I was watching the news, and saw the story where a child was left in a car, and died. I am going to comment on this now, and it will upset some, but I am going to give my opinion anyway.

The adults that forgot that child killed that child. The parents are supposed to be responsible for their children There is no excuse at all for "forgetting" a child in a hot car. Someone, or everyone needs to go to jail. This nonsense happens too frequently, and it is not being punished. We are coddling parents that kill their children. This keeps happenning because of stupidity and irresponsibility. The father in Georgia is being held responsible for the carnage his child hath wrought with a gun. These parents get a pass. Society is needs to hold parents responsible for their actions like the father in Georgia. The parents in Buckeye need to be held to the same accountability. Crucify one, crucify all, there is enough wood for all.